ai news teaching

Artificial Intelligence, Schools & Kids – News

^190904 @Quartz #MIT developed a course to teach tweens about the ethics of AI

in the press news

In the press – 19/06

Open-Source, Handynetze, Cypersecurity, Sensorik, Automatik, Robotik und Computational Thinking @HZ #Im GesprĂ€ch mit Martin Vetterli: “Die Leute sind oft sehr naiv”

in the press news

In the press – 19/04

Der Hype-Zyklus und IoT (Asut-Konferenz «From Hype to Reality») @NZZ #«Die werden auf die Nase fallen / Aktien, Computerspielsektor und Regulation @NZZ #Wendet sich die Stimmung gegen den Computerspielsektor / Swiss Economic Award 2019, die Finalisten @NZZ #Eine GeschÀftsidee in 90 Sekunden

in the press news

In the press – 19/03

“In a CNBC interview Tuesday, he [Tim Cook] pointed to rapid growth in services and “wearables”—such as watches or ear buds—as reason for optimism. Someday, Apple will be known more for its contribution to health care than its sleek gadgets, Mr. Cook says. … Whatever shape it takes, Apple’s evolution will be closely watched if only because reinvention is so hard to pull off.”
@WSJ #Polaroid. Walkman. Palm Pilot. iPhone?

in the press news

In the press – 19/02

“Microsoft’s devices serve this end by acting as attractive lures for services, much the way the Xbox console drives usage of its far more lucrative Xbox Live service”
@WSJ #Microsoft’s HoloLens Gives Clear View of the Cloud

“Companies are using HoloLens to overlay instructions and other visuals that can guide workers through machine repairs, among other tasks.”
@WSJ #Microsoft’s Hype Strategy for HoloLens Is to Avoid It

“Customers rent the robots, which require less customization than more traditional alternatives and don’t require a large up-front investment…”
@WSJ #Reporters Phablet: Here’s What’s New in Enterprise Tech – Scaling the use of robotic arms



In the press – 18/09

“Denn der Weg zur Industrie 4.0 hat erst gerade begonnen. Firmen, die ihn nicht gehen wollen, haben schlechte Prognosen” / “… auch weil sie ĂŒber kein ServicegeschĂ€ft verfĂŒgt, das regelmĂ€ssige Einnahmen bringen wĂŒrde” / “Ihr Wert [Machine] bestehe zu 50% aus Software, …”
@NZZaS #Die Digitalisierung bringt Jobs in die Schweiz zurĂŒck


in the press news

In the press – 18/07

“Email data collectors use software to scan millions of messages a day, looking for clues about consumers that they can sell to marketers, hedge funds and other businesses.”
@WSJ #Tech’s ‘Dirty Secret’: The App Developers Sifting Through Your Gmail



New Revenue Stream For Volvo (Polstar)

“Polestar—which previously existed as a Volvo model, rather than as a distinct company—will also be an experiment in marketing cars through smartphone-based subscription plans with monthly payments but no upfront fee. Polestar vehicles will be available only through 2 or 3-year subscription plans, a method some auto analysts believe could become the norm in years ahead.” @WSJ # Volvo Unveils a Direct Challenge to Tesla

Comment: Volvo/Polstar the business model building block [Revenue].



Der Lebenszyklus von Beratungskonzepten




Von Dietmar Fink und Bianka Knoblach in Harvard Business manager:

Beratung: Der Lebenszyklus von Beratungskonzepten

Moden und Methoden