in the press news

In the press – 19/02

“Microsoft’s devices serve this end by acting as attractive lures for services, much the way the Xbox console drives usage of its far more lucrative Xbox Live service”
@WSJ #Microsoft’s HoloLens Gives Clear View of the Cloud

“Companies are using HoloLens to overlay instructions and other visuals that can guide workers through machine repairs, among other tasks.”
@WSJ #Microsoft’s Hype Strategy for HoloLens Is to Avoid It

“Customers rent the robots, which require less customization than more traditional alternatives and don’t require a large up-front investment…”
@WSJ #Reporters Phablet: Here’s What’s New in Enterprise Tech – Scaling the use of robotic arms


business model example in the press readings

GfM-Marketingpreis 2018 – Schindler

@Handelszeitung – Special Marketing – 1. November 2018 #Innovation auf allen Etagen

Vom Hersteller zum Dienstleistungsanbieter

“Oder wie es Thomas Oetterli, CEO des Konzerns mit Sitz im luzernischen Ebikon, ausdrĂŒckt “FrĂŒher haben wir uns fĂŒr Anlagen interessiert. Jetzt haben wir es mit Menschen zu tun.” Der persönliche Kundenkontakt ist heute wichtiger den je.”

Wie sich die Elemente im GeschÀftsmodell verÀndern

im Bereich Kundenbeziehung

“… viele Kunden haben mit Schindler seit Jahren oder Jahrzehnten einen Servicevertrag. “Wir wollen in unseren Verkaufs- und Marketingprozessen eine langfristige Beziehung mit den Kunden eingehen”, so Oetterli.”

“Unsere Spezialisten, die jeden Tag draussen an der Liftanlage sind, generieren ein Vielfaches an Kundenmomenten. Diesen persönlichen Kontakt können Sie durch nichts ersetzen.”

im Bereich Partner Netzwerk und Ressourcen & KapazitÀten

“… legt Schindler viel Wert auf die Vernetzung mit Bildungsinstitutionen wie beispielsweise der ETH, nicht zuletzt auch um kĂŒnftige Brainpower zu sichern und das Employer Branding voranzutreiben.”

Ein Beispiel wie IoT die Dienstleistungserbringung unterstĂŒtzt:

“Ein Meilenstein fĂŒr die Digitalisierungsstrategie ist das 2017 im Markt eingefĂŒhrte Produkt Schindler Ahead, das die Anlagen mit einer digitalen Plattform im Internet verbindet und Anlagen, Servicetechniker und Kunden miteinander vernetzt.”

“Die AufzĂŒge, deren Komponenten mit intelligenten Sensoren ausgestattet sind, fallen weniger hĂ€ufig aus. Sie ĂŒberwachen den Zustand der Anlagen permanent und tauschen Daten mit Kontrollzentren aus, was es ermöglicht, die notwendigen Wartungen schneller auszufĂŒhren.”


In the press – 18/09

“Denn der Weg zur Industrie 4.0 hat erst gerade begonnen. Firmen, die ihn nicht gehen wollen, haben schlechte Prognosen” / “… auch weil sie ĂŒber kein ServicegeschĂ€ft verfĂŒgt, das regelmĂ€ssige Einnahmen bringen wĂŒrde” / “Ihr Wert [Machine] bestehe zu 50% aus Software, …”
@NZZaS #Die Digitalisierung bringt Jobs in die Schweiz zurĂŒck


in the press news

In the press – 18/07

“Email data collectors use software to scan millions of messages a day, looking for clues about consumers that they can sell to marketers, hedge funds and other businesses.”
@WSJ #Tech’s ‘Dirty Secret’: The App Developers Sifting Through Your Gmail


in the press

In the press – 18/04

“The late Gumpei Yokoi, inventor of the Game Boy, once explained his design philosophy as “lateral thinking with withered technology”—the repurposing of anachronistic materials in unusual, delightful ways.”
@WSJ #Nintendo Rethinks How We Play Video Games. Again



Readings – 18/04

#Better Brainstorming @HBR (Hal Gregersen, March–April 2018 Issue) /.creativity .process

How to focus on questions, not answers for breakthrough insights, as the key to unlocking a better answer is to ask a better question.

What process should be followed?
1. Set the stage 2. Brainstorm the questions 3. Identify a quest and commit to it.

>>  4-24 Project

#The B2B Elements Of Value @HBR (Eric Almquist, Jamie Cleghorn & Lori Sherer, March–April 2018 Issue) /.customers



hbr pick

HBR Pick: January – February 2018

Artificial Intelligence for the Real World

Harvard Business Review, January – February 2018, Page 108-

business model

What is a business model?

The first article to use the term “€œbusiness models” was published in 1957, but it is since 1995 that popularity and use of the term have emerged in a multitude of arenas. Although the concept of business models is extensively discussed and has found wide acceptance by journalists, consultants, practitioners and investors, only more recently has the topic received considerable attention in academic literature as well. Practice clearly precedes academic research. One reason for this situation could be that the business model “€œdraws from and integrates various academic and functional disciplines, gaining prominence at none”€ (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002, p. 533).



Alt & Zimmermann, 2001
Baden-Fuller & Morgan, 2010
Bellman, Clark, Malcolm, Craft, & Ricciardi, 1957
Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002
George & Bock, 2011
Ghaziani & Ventresca, 2005
Lecocq, Demil, & Ventura, 2010
Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Tucci, 2005
Richardson, 2008
Zott & Amit, 2010


in the press

In the press – 17/10

“Nadella, unabashed, insists on a “moral obligation” to push forward with innovation — and an equally powerful obligation to weigh social and political impacts of technologies like AI and to make sure the benefits are widely shared.” @FT #Hit Refresh, by Satya Nadella

“Polestar vehicles will be available only through 2 or 3-year subscription plans, a method some auto analysts believe could become the norm in years ahead.” @WSJ #Volvo Unveils a Direct Challenge to Tesla



New Revenue Stream For Volvo (Polstar)

“Polestar—which previously existed as a Volvo model, rather than as a distinct company—will also be an experiment in marketing cars through smartphone-based subscription plans with monthly payments but no upfront fee. Polestar vehicles will be available only through 2 or 3-year subscription plans, a method some auto analysts believe could become the norm in years ahead.” @WSJ # Volvo Unveils a Direct Challenge to Tesla

Comment: Volvo/Polstar the business model building block [Revenue].